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7 Things to Do When You're Feeling Sad

Updated: Apr 8

smiley face on a beach
7 Things to do when you're feeling sad

One of the things I've learnt over the years is that feelings of grief can knock you off your feet at any point, one day you feel happy and as though you're winning at life and the next something can trigger huge feelings of sadness.

Triggers come in all shapes, sizes, smells and sounds! It can be a significant anniversary, hearing a song on the radio, sorting out a cupboard and finding something you didn't expect to find. There's a lot of things that can remind you of your loss.

For me, when these feelings hit, I let myself feel what I need to and then I try and do something that will cheer me up. I've stopped feeling guilty about taking that time out for myself and neither should you. It's that old adage about putting on your own mask before you can help anyone else.

Here's a list of 7 things I do when I'm feeling sad;

  1. Go for a Walk.

  • I have 7 dogs (yes you read that right) and so there's always someone who's willing to head out with me. Mabel, my border collie will walk for hours and so when I really want to get away from it, I'll take her out and we play fetch for hours!

  • Getting outside, is really good for your mental health, even if the weather is a bit overcast, you'll still soak up an element of vitamin D, exercise helps release endorphins and will help clear your mind.

  • Plus I always find dog walkers are friendly people and are always happy to stop and exchange a few pleasantries along the way.

2. Watch a Funny Film / TV Show.

  • Laughter therapy actually does exist and is known to help with things such as boosting your immunity, as well as releasing stress and anxiety.

  • Watching something that you know you will enjoy and make you giggle will help you.

  • I try and avoid anything I know has a tearjerker ending, my friends are always trying to get me to watch things they know will make me cry, but give me a good comedy any day!

  • I also love going to the cinema, so if there's something I want to see, I'll take myself off to watch it on my own.

3. Get Creative.

  • Whether you bake a cake, get the knitting out, do some DIY, getting creative can help focus your attention on something else and distract yourself.

  • Plus lets face it, if you've got a gorgeous cake or completed project at the end of it, then it's win-win!

  • I bought a couple of Easter bunnies to paint, I mean granted I'm no Picasso, but they really made me laugh as I was doing them. It's the best £4.00 I've spent all year!

painted Easter bunnies
My Easter bunnies

4. Phone a Friend.

  • I think a lot of us think we have to pretend that we're OK all the time, but sometimes we're not and when we're not, it's OK to say that.

  • On the days you feel sad and a bit fed up, it's OK to let a friend know that's how you're feeling. On my down days, I always tell my friend I'm feeling a bit "discombobulated" and she understands that I mean I feel sad and sometimes all I need is to say that out loud, hear a friendly voice and chat nonsense about some TV show.

5. Treat Yourself.

  • Whether it's a bunch of flowers, your favourite food treat or some bubble bath, buy yourself something that you like.

  • It could be taking yourself off to a coffee shop and enjoying a drink and watching the world go by.

6. Listen to Some. Music.

  • Put on your favourite album, your favourite playlist, turn it up and dance!

  • There's something hugely therapeutic about "dancing it out" listening to music releases dopamine in the brain, which is a feel-good neurotransmitter, just 15 minutes of listening to your favourite music can improve your mood.

7. Read a Book.

  • Ever since I was little, I've found comfort in reading, losing myself in another world, finding out about the lives of others, so sometimes half an hour sat reading can really cheer me up.

  • Whether it's one of my favourites, that I've read a million times or a new author I've just come across, reading is one of my favourite things.

  • As you can see, some of my favourite books are very well read!

"The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4" by Sue Townsend
One of my favourite books

This is just a list of things that I do when I feel sad, but they are things that help for me. Real depression is crippling and if you are struggling, then please seek professional help, either through your GP, a professional counsellor or an organisation such as the Samaritans. Please do not suffer alone, there are plenty of people and organisations that can provide support.

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