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What Does a Funeral Celebrant Do?

It might be that you've heard the term "Celebrant", but you aren't 100% sure what one is or what they can do.

As a funeral celebrant I will work with your Funeral Director to make sure that your loved one receives the best funeral possible, something that is fitting and a celebration of their life.

With the current lockdown restrictions in place I will arrange for us to meet via video link (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp or Skype)

You can invite your close friends and family to join the conversation and we can have a chat, I want to hear everything that you’d like to share about your loved one. I really want to get to know about them, your relationship with them, what they liked, what they disliked and all the elements of their character.

We can also look at photos and mementoes.

We will discuss the atmosphere and tone of the service and how you’d like that conveyed. I’ll also talk you through any practical issues that might arise on the day.

We will also discuss any contribution you or your family and friends might like to make on the day, whether that’s a poem, a reading or delivering a eulogy or tribute, or even lighting a candle or placing a card or flower on the coffin. I can help you choose poetry and readings.

Following on from our initial meeting, I will write a ceremony that is personal and unique and will reflect and celebrate the life of the person who has died. I will send you a draft of this before the service so that you can make any changes.

Together we’ll find music, poetry and readings that feel right. You will see a draft before the service, and can make any comments and changes that you wish.

On the day of the funeral, I will liaise with the Funeral Director, to ensure that everything is organised and will run smoothly. I’ll conduct the service sensitively and professionally and in accordance with your wishes. There will be time for everyone to reflect on their cherished memories and to mourn their passing, as well as reflecting on the happy times you spent together and celebrate your loved ones life.

If you would like to talk to me about conducting a service on behalf of your family then please contact me.

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