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What to Wear to a Funeral.

Updated: Apr 4

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What to wear to a funeral

One of the first things I do when I sit down with a family is explain that the service will be a real celebration of who their loved one was and it should reflect them in every single aspect. The music, the readings, the eulogy, everything needs to reflect them. One of the other things we talk about is what to wear to a funeral.

The truth is there is no right or wrong answer to this question. Long gone are the days when people attending a funeral would wear their Sunday best. For some, they want to keep it traditional and for people to wear black. For others, they like to ask guests to wear clothing that reflects their loved one. It might be their football team colours, their favourite colour, or even a Christmas jumper. One colleague of mine officiated at a funeral for someone who was a huge Star Trek fan and guests were asked to dress accordingly!

The service is all about your loved one and honouring and celebrating them.

When my dad died, he was known for his bright Hawaiian shirts (the louder the better was his general rule of thumb!) So we asked people to dress in their loudest, most garish clothing and they did. I always wonder what other people must have thought as everyone arrived at the crematorium looking like they were off to a Luau, but I know my dad would have loved it.

The best bit of advice I can give, is that if you do want people to wear something other than traditional funeral wear, then let them know beforehand.

Speaking from a personal point of view, also let your celebrant know what you're planning as I know that I'm more than happy to join in with a colour theme and I know a lot of my fellow celebrants are too.

If you'd like to speak to me about your loved ones funerals then please e-mail me or contact me via my website.

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